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Additional Additions! 31/8/2024

I've got more pages up and running! Now the only page that doesn't have anything on the other end of it is the Shrines page! Feel free to click around and explore~ (And if you've been here before make sure to clear cache! On windows you can do this by holding Shift+Ctrl and pressing R. That way the links work properly!

I am officially a supporter of Neocities, happily, and have gone ahead and used that to enable WebAmp and upload the PDF to Anachronism, the first mini zine from my project Umbrulexicon!

Life gets fucking busy, but it's so nice to stop and tinker on my website every so often. I'm currently listening to Camp Damascus from Chuck Tingle, I'm not sure what's scarier the HORROR or the religious brainwashing. As well I've been playing a lot of Salt and Sanctuary, getting further than I ever have before! It's inspiring some ideas in me~

As well there are a few short stories I've been tinkering with. I don't know if I've ever had a more productive year when it comes to my creativity.

~Adorne Sibley

Edit: Also I've added the Guestbook feature! It's being hosted through Atabook and I'll be approving messages sent through there, but please feel free to come by and say hello!

Gogo Gadget Pages 5/8/2024

Hi everyone! It's been a very busy week as I've rapidly assembled a few pages into moderate levels of function! As of this moment, I have a temporary Art page set up as well as my Writies page. The About page is slowly filling in more and more, and obviously the main page here is getting quite busy~

I am hovering inches above hitting that supporter payment button. I would like to be able to host some songs for Webamp and my Doom levels that I've created, and for only five bucks a month... I could do that. Oh the possibilities. That would also let me host interesting little games cause I could host the files on my website myself.

I've been listening to The Reddening by Adam L.G. Nevill and A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking by T. Kingfisher. Yes, this is tonal whiplash, and no, I don't think I'll be changing my reading/listening habits. XD Adam Nevill is SO good at creating a pervasive sense of unease and dread. I'm kind of jealous. While T. Kingfisher is whimsical to the point that it hurts my soul in the best way possible. She's a horror writer also and this is the kind of genre flexibilty I aspire to. Let me drip fae whispers into your ears, and then make you laugh at the funny man adding one crack of pepper to his soup. I've got a cross country mad max story for you, and then a family drama/horror story. I also have a satirical dark romance horror that's slithering its way to towards this website as I speak.

~Adorne Sibley

Hello World!

Greetings, everyone! I'm Adorne Sibley, a writer, poet, animator, doom mapper, and artist. My favored genres are Horror, Scifi, Urban Fantasty, and Meta Fiction. I've written so much... and the only published things I cannot tell you about. XD 👻

I'm sure this is going to come as a surprise, but this site is now a work in progress. Please feel free to poke around and see what comes up. I'll likely also end up creating a separate landing page complete with trigger warnings for my writing and art. Currently all of the buttons on the left hand side are going to be dead links, and at the bottom of the page you can see a small animated pride-tegram that links over to the Trevor Project. I'm mostly typing this up to test out what the writing looks like once I'm outside of the HTML editor. Thanks for swinging by! Soon enough I'll have a Guestbook setup for y'all to leave little messages. Remember to keep it polite!

If you happen to be here early enough that this is the first post, then I'd like to let you know that I am going to start uploading a serialized story under Writies. As well, when I finish the first part of my "Fictional Play" I'll be uploading that as well, exclusively to my Neocities website.

The Tidings section will be where I post my Newsletters.

TTRPG Stuffs will contain hacked and homebrew content I've made... as well as full projects whenever I finish them. I'll try to keep it organized per system. Expect a lot of Mörk Borg stuff.

Shrines will contain pages dedicated to my many hyperfixatons. I'll likely be making an Alan Wake one first.

Art is where I'll be uploading gifs, animations, art and more as I make it to share for free with all~ If you like anything you find and want to use it, feel free, just link back to this site or the art page.

Aesthetics will contain mood boards for my different writing projects! They'll stay up even once projects have been completed. Before release, they'll have codenames and after I release a project, I'll change its name on here to its release title. (Consider it sneakpeaks at the ideas behind my projects.)

~Adorne Sibley


Original Theme by Repth